Thursday, June 2, 2011

Evil Eyes

So, yesterday my son wakes up with an exploding eye. You know what I'm talking about: red, pustuous, swollen beyond recognition. Gross. I take him to the doctor who promptly prescribes eye drops. This morning his eye is very close to normal. It's a miracle I tell you!

The eye drops still need to be administered daily for the next week, which causes great stress for my guy. This morning I was putting in the drops and trying to explain why I was causing my own flesh and blood pain. Katie was sitting nearby and the conversation went something like this:

Me (to J): Your eye drops will help take the red out of your eyes.
Katie (to me): Whaaaat??? Jacob has RED eyes???? *thinking* Um, is he going to turn evil?
Me: Bwahahahahaha

No. Just me. Welcome to Summer Vacation!

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